Life’s Lustre

Posts Tagged ‘Twitter

Hi Friends,

This is a short and sweet post about how to know if someone follows you, whom you are following on Twitter. When you visit someone’s twitter profile it just says about if you are following him or not. There is no information displayed about if that person is also following you ! (Correct me if I am wrong)

It’s difficult to remember all the Avtars or names, when your network grows into hundreds. People in our list are not always people we know personally.

So, here I am going to tell you how to know if someone follows you whom you are following!

This afternoon I discovered this cool website called “Friends or Follow” . Give your usernmae and it will show you segregated data in three tabs. It shows Avtars in grid view, so very easy to get a quick glance of the list.

Tab 1. Following: People you follow who don’t return the favor.

Tab 2. Fans: Your Fans. 🙂 They follow you but you don’t.

Tab 3. Friends: People with whom you share two way communication. You both like each other to follow.

Isn’t  it cool ??

This was for your own twitter network. Now if you want to know if BarackObama follows algore or not, then use this  Does Follow tool.

Hope this information will help my site visitors.

Have nice time. 😀

The  number of Twitter applications created by third-party developers has grown into thousands. The Twitter API has been used in many ways to serve different needs for different community of people.

Advertising on Twitter is an emerging trend. Businesses have formed around selling advertising space on Twitter members’ profile pages.

The Twittad network connects Tweeterers with the Advertisers. Since Twitter happens to be widely used tool these days and large number of people over the globe spending time over twittering, it’s been a good platform for the Advertisers to showcase themself on popular Twitter profile pages.

Now you may think, on what basis one chooses a profile for his piece of Advertisement!! It depends on what you they are advertising.

A twitter profile becomes more worthy with the growing number of followers and the statistics of updates and relevance of posts. You can see a list of Twitter Profiles and their prices on this page

There is another cool website to check What’s Your Tweet Worth 🙂 See how much Dollars you can earn from your Twitter profile.

Not often I tweet, but I follow people on twitter and read the updates. Here are some people from my network, those I follow. Tweet Worth as checked on today’s date.

indiaenvportal : $46.47 / month

rahuldewan: $40.20 / month

carnic_obar: $40.39 /month

JacobSingh: $34.80 / month

BreakingNewsInd: $43.66 / month

Dries : $197.19 / month

algore : $79116.00 / month

BarackObama : $134676.54 / month …………….. Huh

Please don’t check my user name, it won’t be more than a $0 figure. 😉 I am a lazy twitterer.

Anyway, if your profile is worth something use it for Advertisements. If not for yourself, atleast to give away the money for Charity you can try it.

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